Time Management

Everyone complains about not having enough time. There are only 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds in a day. That’s actually a lot of time within a day! You just need to learn how to manage it. Yes, this is a personal finance and travel blog. What does time management have to do with that? Well, it’s important because your time is valuable and you need to utilize that time to the best of your ability. Life is short, but sweet for certain! ~ DMB

During high school and college, I was not good with time management. I didn’t prioritize anything, I didn’t study a ton as academics luckily came easy to me, and I was just living life as a teenager/young adult. I didn’t improve my time management skills until after college when I entered the real world and banking helped me with that. Like on-the-job training in banking, there is a lot of “on-the-job” training in life. You have to live and learn from your mistakes. In this post, I will share some stories and useful information that I have learned within my life. Here are 3 tips that I used to improve my time management skills: 

Choose Your Priorities

Unfortunately, time is not on our side and as of today everyone will eventually die. That is a fact of life. I’ve noticed that it feels like time is moving faster every year I get older. It’s what you do with that time that makes a difference of what people will remember you for. You have to choose your priorities, choose what you want to spend your time on, and choose what you want to give a f**k about. Yes, I just quoted Mark Manson, who has two amazing self-help books, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and Everything is F*cked. All of the haters may call you selfish, but I view it as you are one person and you won’t please everyone in life. And you shouldn’t be expected to please everyone in life. That’s not how the world works. I think it’s ok to be selfish at times and who cares what other people think. 

I used to have a friend who I was pretty close with right after college. We had a great friendship at first, but in my opinion he became overly toxic and had a very negative attitude about life. We would get into political arguments, he would blame the world for everything, and he would get argumentative just to win an argument AKA a troll. So how do you deal with a troll? You ignore them. All they want is the attention. I stopped inviting him to things with my other friends at the time as I felt like he was being a mooch off of me for his social needs. We eventually parted ways mutually and haven’t really seen each other since. The one thing that I learned from this experience is to remove toxic people from your life no matter how close you are to them. People can only change themselves and no one else can do it for them. Dealing with toxic people is physically and mentally draining and I don’t need them in my life. In my opinion, they are not worth your time and I chose to prioritize other things.

My priorities in life are physical health, family, friends, my career, and putting good out into the world. I watched the Netflix TV Show, Cobra Kai, a while ago and one episode made me ball my eyes out (S3E4). Daniel LaRusso went back to Okinawa for a sign from Mr. Miyagi and he ran into his old flame. But in the next episode (S3E5) she said her Aunt used to say “Put good out in the world and good will come back to you.” I truly believe that and I believe in karma. Maybe that’s the superstitious side of me! 

What makes the United States of America great is that you can choose your priorities and choose what you want to do with your life! No one forces you to do things that you do not want to do. We only have so much time in this life and you have to choose things that you really value. I used to think that having a ton of different skills and being good at everything was the best way to utilize skills. But after reading The Cheat Code by Brian Wong, he said that you should really focus your time into fewer things (or just one thing) and master those skills. I definitely changed my mind about that and I am now focusing my time on less things and prioritizing mastering certain skills. One of my goals this year was to build stronger relationships with close friends, closing my inner circle, and I think that helps with time management. 

Make A To-Do List

I use the free app Evernote for my To-Do List and I use it for all of my note-taking (recipes, investments, politics, yelp notes, burger/pizza reviews, etc.). The free version allows you to sync up to 2 devices, unlimited notes, max note sizes of 25 MB, and 60 MB uploads monthly. There are premium versions with monthly subscription plans that have less caps/restrictions. But the free version works for me as I only use text so the max note size of 25 MB is never a problem for me. Even if it does go over 25 MB, then just create a part 2 note for whatever topic or delete things that aren’t relevant/useful anymore. 

I break down tasks by how much time I have to complete them and whether if it’s personal, business, or work related. So I break down tasks daily, weekly, mid-term, and long-term tasks. My definition for mid-term and long-term is 2 weeks to 1 month and 1-3 months, respectively. This helps me prioritize my time based on importance of when to the tasks need to be completed.  

I typically update my To-Do List daily as this holds myself accountable. Also, this is my go-to note for random thoughts of the day until I have time to organize the notes. So I include random things like trivia spots because I miss trivia… 

Create a Calendar:

As seen in the photo, I literally have a calendar on my fridge and I have done this since I’ve joined the real world back in 2013. I also use a calendar on my smartphone setting up recurring bills and events as reminders on my phone. This includes doctors appointments, monthly reports at work, bills, street cleaning, car registration renewal, etc. 

I don’t make things overly complex, like where everything is scheduled down to every minute of the day. That is definitely overwhelming. Also, I set at least two reminders of when things will happen. I usually set a reminder 10 minutes out, 1 hour out, and/or 1 day out of the event. I don’t do this for everything, but I do this more for work and more important events. 

I think that a lot of people don’t do this kind of stuff and that is probably why people miss a credit card payment or something as life gets in the way. You have to set up a system that works for you and make it a priority. Once you get the system set up and make things a habit, everything will run much more smoothly. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions and live with the consequences, which seems like a lot of people don’t do anymore in today’s society. 

My handwriting is amazing!

Bottom Line:

Like I said above, only you can change yourself and no one else can do that for you. I can’t make you change, but I can give you advice to help you change. It’s taken me years of experience to learn time management and it doesn’t come overnight. But I definitely think choosing your priorities and not trying to please everyone will help you.  

My typical daily schedule is the following:

  • 6am: Wake up, take my meds, make my bed, and brush my teeth. 
  • 6:30am: Eat breakfast.
  • 7:12am: Commute to work.
  • 7:45am: Arrive at work. 
  • 8am-4:45pm: Work, eat lunch, and work.
  • 4:55pm: Commute home. 
  • 5:30pm: Work out.
  • 6:30pm: Eat dinner. 
  • 7:30pm: Relax. Watch TV or play video games (FERDA). 
  • 10pm-11pm: In bed and ready to go to sleep. 

Why do I make my bed every morning? Because it’s a way for me to start out with a W or a task completed every morning. I read the book Make Your Bed by US Navy Admiral William H. McRaven years ago right after college and it was life changing for me. I highly recommend reading it and check out the video link above.

During the summer, I am usually in bed by 10pm or earlier as I wake up earlier around 4:45am-5am to work out in the morning so I can beat the summer heat in Chicago. I think sleep is very important for a healthy lifestyle and I always try to get 7-8 hours per night. During winters, I usually work out after work and sometimes in the morning if I know that the gym will be crowded. I am looking at you new year’s resolutioners! But again, my number 1 priority is my health as life is short and that is why I prioritize making time in my schedule to work out. 

In the end, there is actually plenty of time within a day to get things done! Saying that you don’t have enough time is just an excuse. You just have to change your routine to make time for yourself. Start by making your bed tomorrow morning!

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

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Just a Millennial living in the real world...